Product Design


Designboom Design for Death Competition (2013)

E S Infinite Light, is OPA’s shortlisted industrial design for the deathcare design competition organised by Designboom e-magazine and the NFDA in 2013.

E S is a memorial which consists of an underground biodegradable urn, a laser engraved timeline and a luminous bridge to connect Earth with Sky, an infinite light as a remembrance and a tribute to the lost beloved ones. It is named after a Greek mythology Titaness combined with the symbol of infinity. Its name is exactly whatever it means: an infinite light, an everlasting dawn. The memorial requires only a hole of 35cm width and 1.60m maximum depth). The traditional coffin burial is not efficient anymore, and for many households it is an expensive ceremony. Plus the location of a cemetery will not comply with the deceased wish to be buried in a favorite or extraordinary location. From the other hand, the act of shattering ashes in the wind or over the sea may cause negative reactions. A combined solution to all these is suggested with E∞S.

The submission got shortlisted as one of the 150 best designs out of 2050 entries and got published.

The Slice - homeless unit proposal, uk, 2018